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Nothing Beats True Love... Nothing!

I am a romantic at heart. Yes, there is no denying that I live in the hope of one day finding true love. I am talking about the kind of love that hits you like a ton of bricks and doesn't stop. I am talking about the kind of love that makes you ache to be with the other person. Can you still find that in today's world? I'm not sure, but I am never going to stop looking.

I want the kind of love that they had in Titanic. I want the goofy, lets go crazy and not care who is looking kind of romance. I want to be swept off my feet in a whirlwind adventure of passion. I want the heart-pounding excitement and anticipation of venturing into the unknown.


Nothing in this world is as exciting as falling in love. That is the human experience at it's best and something that can reduce the most serious and sensible of us into love struck teenagers. Yeah, I know, I am a teenager, but I speak here in terms of the masses. I don't care if you are 18, 40 or even a senior, when love strikes, most of us turn to jelly.

Now, before you write me off as some kind of flake, think about the last time you fell in love. Even if it has been a while, I bet that you remember it like it was yesterday. That is the power of love. None of us are immune when cupids arrow strikes. Hey, just remembered that Valentines Day is only 2 days away... Going to really suck this year. More on that coming up.

Ok, so valentines day came and went and life goes on. It isn't the first time that I've spent it alone. I still think about my ex a lot, but I guess that is what is to be expected. Meanwhile, I have been looking at some of the advice online about how to get your ex back and some of it is really not good. I won't get into the specifics, but suffice it to say that everyone just wants to sell you a "solution." I don't know how many sites I visited that are only interested in selling me a course on how to get my ex boyfriend back. Well, sorry to disappoint, but I am a broke student.


On a lighter note, you really can find sites out there that will give you some good advice. This one in particular was very helpful and there were things that anyone could do to improve their chance of getting an ex back.

I also found the usual how to sites of great help. One thing that I did not like was the typical answer sites as they are often answered by those who have no clue. Sorry to say. If you are looking to get your ex back keep in mind the previous site is full of good articles and this one has a step-by-step approach. Wikihow.

Wikihow really helped me with some issues I had been having. Some of the main points they like to emphasis include the need to be yourself and not try to change just to get that person back. And that is a real problem for most people who have been dumped. They are so desperate to get their ex back that they become whatever their ex wants them to be. Wait, that isn't really true: They become what they think their ex wants them to be. Does that make any sense?

Anyway, I suppose the bottom line is that you are not going to force your ex to take you back. There is no way that is going to happen. However, you can do things that aren't as obvious. One way to start is to start improving your looks and your personality. Make him fall in love with you all over again.

Hmm... Well, that may be good advice, but I think that, deep down, you have to be yourself. Really, who else are you going to be? Besides, at this point, I have given up on ever getting my boyfriend back. That's why advice like this is what I need right now.




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