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The Love Chapter

Yeah, I know. Writing about love is kind of lame, but as I said before, I am a true romantic at heart. In this section, I am going to be writing about my daily experiences when it comes to love. It is, after all, my diary :)

What is the difference between this and the main page on love? Well, this is a diary page and I am going to be writing in almost real time as it happens. However, it may also be the shortest of all my diary pages if something doesn't develop soon.

02/13/12 - It has been a month and 4 days since the "big event". I like to call it that cause if I call it the big breakup or the big dump, I start crying. Really, I did not know it could hurt this much. On a brighter note, my ex boyfriend is an immature jerk and I am better off without him. I can see that now. Happy days ahead because I have my sites on one or two to take his place. :D - oops, did not sound good... hehehe​.

02-14-12 -

Happy Valentines Day everyone!. And a particularly happy one for a slime named Mark. I hope you are really happy with your latest conquest. But when things fall apart, I want you to know that I am not going to be here.

His name is Mark. Okay, not his real name because I don't want anyone to identify me on this blog, but that is of little consequence. The main thing is that he is one of these people that really thinks he can do anything he wants without consequence and without regards for anyone's feelings.

I have feelings you neanderthal.

Well, one thing I can say is that it has been a wake up call. I am not the gullible, trusting girl I used to be and that can be a good thing. On a positive note, this has opened up a world of possibilities for me now and the world, for the first time in a long time, is looking brighter.


Today is a stat holiday, so not a lot going on. I skied at a local hill in the city yesterday and had a blast. For  a minute, I almost forgot about my ex - almost. I don't know - you know, things are just hard right now. One minute I think that things are going okay and that I'll be fine without him, the next I find myself on the verge of tears - missing him that much. Thankful that I have good friends that are helping me through this. Don't know what I would do without you guys. :=)

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